McCarthy Attorneys Inc

Navigating Employment Dismissals: Understanding Incapacity Vs Misconduct

Navigating Employment Dismissals: Understanding Incapacity Vs Misconduct

In the intricate landscape of employment law, employers often grapple with whether or not to dismiss an employee. Two primary grounds for dismissal, incapacity and misconduct, stand out, each requiring a distinct approach and understanding. 

1. Incapacity: A Matter of Competence and Health 

Incapacity, often rooted in the employee’s inability to perform their duties adequately, comes in two primary forms: poor work performance and ill health. When it comes to poor work performance, employers must follow a fair and comprehensive process of counselling, training, and guidance before considering dismissal. This process should provide the employee with an opportunity to rectify their shortcomings, as described in our blog post dated 13 September 2021 titled, “What to do about incapacity or ill health of an employee”.

On the other hand, incapacity due to ill health demands a nuanced approach. Employers must consider factors such as the illness’s severity, the incapacity’s duration, and the possibility of the employee returning to work after a reasonable period. Employers must communicate openly with the employee and, where necessary, explore reasonable alternatives before contemplating dismissal. 

2. Misconduct: Breach of Rules and Ethical Standards 

Misconduct, in contrast, involves the breach of workplace rules, policies, or ethical standards. It covers a broad spectrum, ranging from insubordination and theft to harassment or dishonesty. Employers must conduct a fair and impartial disciplinary hearing when dealing with misconduct. 

The process should include notifying the employee of the charges, allowing them to state their case, and presenting evidence before making a decision.  

Dismissal is typically considered a last resort, and employers should explore less severe consequences as described in our blog post dated 7 March 2023, titled “Misconduct in the workplace“.  This may include, among other things, warnings or suspensions unless the misconduct is severe or repeated. 

3. Legal Considerations and Fair Procedures 

Regardless of the grounds for dismissal, employers must adhere to the principles of fairness and procedural correctness. The Labour Relations Act No. 66 of 1995 and the Code of Good Practice on dismissal set the guidelines for fair dismissal. Failing to follow these guidelines can result in a dismissal being deemed unfair, leading to potential legal consequences for the employer. 

The distinction between incapacity and misconduct is crucial in employment dismissals. Employers must carefully assess the circumstances, follow fair procedures, and ensure compliance with the relevant legal frameworks. By understanding these differences, employers can navigate the complexities of employment law, fostering a workplace environment that is both productive and legally sound.  

If you have any questions about other Labour or Land issues, contact McCarthy Attorneys Inc. on (033) 266 6170 or  via email