McCarthy Attorneys Inc

The National Minimum Wage Increased By 8.5% For 2024/2025

The National Minimum Wage Increased By 8.5% For 2024/2025

According to Government Gazette No 50073, dated 2 February 2024, the National Minimum Wage will be adjusted from 1 March 2024. The increase will be 8.5%.  

The new minimum wage will be R27.58 per hour (up from R25.42). Neither the National Minimum Wage Act No. 9 of 2018 nor the relevant Proclamations provide for a minimum weekly or monthly wage, just a minimum hourly rate for each ordinary hour of work. They also do not determine a minimum number of hours to be worked per month. 

The National Minimum Wage applies to all workers: farm workers, domestic workers, permanent, fixed-term, casual or temporary workers. 

The Contract Cleaning and Wholesale and Retail Sectors have different schedules for the minimum wage. These can be found in the full gazette notice. 

Employers of farm workers who provide accommodation and food to their employees are entitled to deduct 10% each for accommodation and food, as long as the accommodation meets the required criteria, and the total value of the food is not less than the amount of the deduction. 

Employers who cannot afford the minimum wage can apply for an exemption. The “prescribed form” to apply for an exemption is an online process at 

Read the full gazette notice, please click here.

If you have any questions about other Labour or Land issues, contact McCarthy Attorneys Inc. on (033) 266 6170 or  via email