McCarthy Attorneys Inc

Liza Hall

Cannabis In The Workplace

Cannabis In The Workplace

Since the Constitutional Court judgement in 2018 pronouncing it is legal to consume, possess and grow a certain amount of cannabis “in private”, the Cannabis For Private Purposes Bill, once legislated, will help ‘clear the smoke’ of confusion surrounding this controversial practice.

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Gone Before You’ve Left – Resigning After Being Disciplined, But Before A Sanction Is Given, And An Employee Resigning Without Giving Notice

It often occurs that before disciplinary action being taken against an employee, they will resign with immediate effect in the hopes of circumventing dismissal for misconduct and to avoid a tarnished disciplinary record. What happens if, however, disciplinary action has already taken place and the employee then resigns before the penalty of dismissal is given?

Gone Before You’ve Left – Resigning After Being Disciplined, But Before A Sanction Is Given, And An Employee Resigning Without Giving Notice Read More »

Expropriation Bill Another Step Closer To Becoming A Reality

The 2020 Expropriation Bill has been put before Parliament for consideration. If passed, it will replace the current Expropriation Act of 1975, which current Act will be deemed unconstitutional.  Of the new Bill, Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille stated in a media briefing on 11 October 2020:  “The Chief State Law Adviser has now certified the Bill as constitutional. This paves the way for

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